While disposable diapers haven't completely left our household, we are proud to say that cloth diapers have successfully entered. At $6.99 a pop you can get yours here While comparable to BumGenius cloth diapers, they are a third of the price. Jackpot. We were blessed to have them (18 of them. that is) gifted to us at a shower, so the cost to get started was the purchase of this lovely diaper sprayer: It attaches to your toilet (with the help of your hubby) and sprays the dickens (or the poop) out of your diaper! So, without further ado, I give you, the Kawaii one size fits all, all in one, snap closure, cloth diaper:
We wash them daily right now because there are so many soiled diapers at this stage, but eventually we will wash them every 2 days or so. Cold water soak, then a hot water wash.
Pretty easy really.
And the best part.....
saving money!!
we do cloth diapers for andilynn!! well i do, dan pretends he doesnt know how and has watched me do it thousands of times!! we also had bought cloth "pullups" for cj when she was still wearing them to bed! we havent invested in the toilet thing though! looks cool!
When we have kids I really want to try and use cloth diapers. I guess only time will tell if I have the ambition for it :) I am hopeful.
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