Here we are gettin our gear all ready to "rough it"
actually this is ours....
but... where there's smoke, there's fire... right? In that case, I WAS successful. I'd like to thank my parents for putting me in cub scouts for one year... i can also do a somersault (sp?)
AND, It wouldn't be campin withe the cottrells without some fishin.... the kids love hangin out with their grampa
The nightly ritual....
Nathan and Kristy...
Mom and Flavio (Rene)
Here's ame's parentals: (not likeing the flash when it's really dark out)
oh... also here's Frodo's Dad....they're actually trying to find him a good home... he obeys well, but is kinda bossy around other dogs... let us know if you have a home for him... he's a purebread Samoyed... and obeys very well.
Can't wait to see you all again...
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